Words of Mine; An Introduction

I love the sound of words; of letters strung together. Words are like little puzzles and when put together correctly they can invoke pictures of images yet unseen. I see my thoughts like a perfect sequence of still photographs and I find those visions entertaining. The stories I gather from cobwebbed corners, or the vivid thoughts that float lazily through my mind, or the rapid fire ideas all force me to write them down before they evaporate; I can't help but think others might just find them as interesting as I do. Perhaps the little stories you read will make your day a little brighter.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dream Come True

So...there is a typo.  It happens and I have to be okay with the fact that my first book's description has a typo.  Working on fixing it but of course I get bounced around from one person to the next.
Still, my dream came true and I have a book out.  There are not enough adjectives to describe how I feel about this; happy, excited, fulfilled, ecstatic, stunned, unbelieving, joyful...you get the idea.  I'm really, really, like, really fucking stoked this happened.
Doing a Kickstarter campaign was one of the most humbling experiences I've had; all of my friends, and even some strangers, coming together to help me see my dream become a physical reality was surreal and shockingly touching.  I did not think I would have such an emotional reaction to the giving.  It was amazing and it continues to be so with friends buying the book as soon as they can and writing reviews.  I could not ask for a better life.
So here it is, typo and everything, available on amazon.com, authorhouse.com and barnesandnoble.com.
Get one, write a review if you liked it and let me know what you think.