Words of Mine; An Introduction

I love the sound of words; of letters strung together. Words are like little puzzles and when put together correctly they can invoke pictures of images yet unseen. I see my thoughts like a perfect sequence of still photographs and I find those visions entertaining. The stories I gather from cobwebbed corners, or the vivid thoughts that float lazily through my mind, or the rapid fire ideas all force me to write them down before they evaporate; I can't help but think others might just find them as interesting as I do. Perhaps the little stories you read will make your day a little brighter.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Dark Tango Part I

Inspired by Film Noir, set in Argentina during the 1930’s, and to include hallucinogenic wheat, as suggested by Chris Sulots.

It was seven fifty-six in the morning when I heard the outer office door open.  I heard it with my forehead on the cool desk surface, with the reminder of last night’s whiskey pounding my head.  Seven fifty-six is too damn early to conduct business, but in my line of work, if a client wants to meet you at eight, you show up at eight.
Through the frosted glass on my door I saw good ‘ol Polly, my secretary, stalling as long as polite but it would only be minutes before my door opened and I would have to greet the client.  Drinking the glass of water and taking the aspirin Polly coupled on my desk, I rubbed my eyes and hoped I didn’t look too bad.  A stick of Black Jack and thirty seconds later, I was taking in a tall and well-dressed dame who called herself Gabriella Domingo.
         “Marco Rossi?” she asked.
         “The same,” I answered in my perfect Spanish.
         “American?” she asked.
You can never fool Argentines, no matter how well your pronunciation is.
         “Have a seat, Mrs. Domingo.”  I motioned to the only other seat in the room and nodded for Polly to leave the two of us to talk.
Pulling out and opening a cigarette case that would cost me two months’ work, she extended it and I took one.  I lit hers first and then mine and we sat smoking until she was ready to talk.
         “My husband, Mr. Domingo, I have been worried he is into, what you Americans call, shady dealings, yes?” she said in English. 
I’ve a soft spot for a broad with an accent.  Ask me sometime and you’ll hear how I ended up in a cheap office in the middle of Buenos Aires, the little Europe of South America.  Gabriella was a looker, pouty mouth, doe eyes, and legs that went all the way up.  The dead animal that kept her warm must of set Mr. Domingo back a few.
         “How long have you suspected?  Or did the mink keep you from wondering until now?” 
         She gave me a look that would scare a parlor maid so I flashed her a smile and we kept smoking.
         “Until a year ago my husband worked for the government.  He was a bioengineer researcher before that and I believe he was head of a department that specialized in warfare.  We’d be invited to la Casa Rosa regularly for galas and such; we were on the elite circuit.  One day he came home severely agitated.  Ranting and raving about how the world was run by bad men with demons inside.  I’ve never seen him this way before!  It was like he could see the devil in his head; do you know what my meaning is?  Possessed.  After convincing him to bathe and nap, he came back downstairs as if nothing had happened.  When I tried to talk to him about this, he laughed at me, saying I was the crazy one.  That he came home after a luncheon of spirits and must have just been drunk.  But I know, Mr. Rossi, I know there was something wrong.”
         Her worry seemed genuine but a drunken husband wasn’t anything new, not to me anyways.
         “Was that the only time or did it happen again?” I asked her. 
She nodded once, before taking a long pull on her cigarette.
         “Yesterday.”  She paused and took another drag off her smoke before continuing. 
“After the first episode we were no longer invited to La Casa Rosa for anything and we did not go to the parties and events we used to.  He got cross with me when I was upset at our not being invited anywhere.  He told me we were lucky to have our lives at all.”
 “You understand?  My world went from an invigorating social life to that of a hermit’s wife.”  Gabriella practically spit out the last few words, so clear was her anger.
“He still worked for the government at this time?”  I asked.
“I believe not.  I asked him once.  Angrily he told me not to worry about how the money came in, that was his job.  Mine was to enjoy the fruits of his labors.  What enjoyment did I have Mr. Rossi?  When all my friends have treated me like a leper, when my days have been spent looking out of the windows, not going outside because I cannot take the silence and stares?  But yesterday, oh Mr. Rossi, yesterday was even worse than the time before!”
Gabriella’s eyes glittered with the threat of tears and it was almost too much for my aching head to bear.  It was too damn early for clients and much to early for crying dames.  Lucky for me, Gabriella knew how to compose herself and did not let the tears spill.  Made me feel like a heel, sitting across from the prettiest face I’d seen in a while, and wincing at the idea of comforting her. 
Gabriella nodded and took her time taking out another cigarette.  I took one of my own but lit hers first, again, and again we sat in smoking silence.  The telephone rang in the outer room and we sat listening to Polly prattle on with whomever was on the other line.  Polly hung up and walked to my door, the click of her heels loud next to our silence.
She didn’t bother to knock; she never did, but opened the door and poked her head through.
“Mr. Rossi, that was Inspector Franz on the horn.  He requests your presence immediately.”
I motioned with my hand at Gabriella, to indicate that I was in the middle of something, but Polly just shrugged.
“He didn’t make it sound like a invitation,” she said.
Polly shut the door behind her and I stood up.  I felt like weights were sewn into my clothes and all I wanted was my bed, but Inspector Franz was a good friend to have, and one didn’t keep good friends waiting.
“Mrs. Domingo, I just don’t see what I can do for you.  There’s no case for me here.”
Gabriella stood up, her doe eyes meeting mine. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Rossi.”
She gracefully walked out of my office, and my life.  Or so I thought.

The body was in a boat, one those little rowboat types, nothing fancy.  It was found floating by itself along the waterfront of Puerto Madero.
For as gruff as Inspector Franz can be, and next to him I’m a charmer if that gives you any idea, he was also smart.  He’d observed the questions I routinely asked the first few times we worked together and so had learned to anticipate them.  He stood, one hand in his pocket, one holding his cheap cigar.  He didn’t need notes and never carried a pen.
“Body was discovered by that young man over there,” he said and nodded to a man speaking with a uniform.
“He didn’t touch anything and called us right away.  We touched him to turn him face up.  And that’s when I called you.”
Inspector Franz didn’t call on me unless there were oddities.  It had to do with the fact that I had worked medical in the war.  Forget that I didn’t finish school.  He knew I kept up on the latest medical journals and in his mind it meant I knew something.  Never mind that I was a nothing more than a gumshoe in an adopted country.
The body.  It was swollen but not water logged.  It reminded me of a kid in the war.  The way his lips swelled once when he accidently ate peanuts.  Lucky for him, he wasn’t in the trenches and we could attend to him right away.  His lips though, I’d never seen that before.  There are lots of things I saw in the war that I hadn’t seen before, but that’s for a different time.
That’s what this face looked like, puffed up from allergies.  But also there were marks, like a big cat had taken his paw and scratched the man’s face from top to bottom.
I bent closer to get a good look.  He wasn’t wet.  The scratches weren’t deep.  His suit was expensive.  He wore a wedding ring that could have paid my rent many times over.  His fingernails had dirt and something else under them.  Without my microscope I couldn’t be sure but I had a hunch.  He scratched his own face.  What would make someone do that?  I didn’t know.  Gently turning his head I saw his hair matted with something.  I took out my handkerchief and patted the area.  It was blood; a hard blow to the head.  Was it enough to kill him?  I wasn’t sure.  
Finally I reached into his breast pocket and took out his wallet.  I handed it to Inspector Franz.  This wasn’t my case, not yet anyways, and I didn’t want to muscle in on the Inspector.
Franz opened it carefully.  No water had touched it and so the paper was intact.  That’s how we found out who the body was.
“Gregorio Domingo,” read Inspector Franz.
I stood up, the surprise written on my ugly mug.
“That name mean something to you?” he asked.
“Would you believe me if I said no?” I replied.
I scratched the back of my head and for the tenth time that morning, wished I wasn’t awake.
“How do you feel about having an unofficial partner on this one?” I asked.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
It was a phone call that shooed Gabriella out of my office but it was that same phone call that propelled me into her life.

The house was set back from the street; an iron gate with a buzzer and a high concrete wall hid the house from passersby.  The maid had buzzed us in when the Inspector explained who he was and we walked through the short courtyard.  Nicely kept, lots of plants, wide steps and a big wooden front door that opened right as we reached the top step.  The maid stood by to let us in after Inspector Franz flashed his credentials and we waited in the parlor until Gabriella came to join us.
She was surprised to see me.  She looked just as good as when I’d seen her earlier that same morning and her smile unsettled me the way a pretty smile always does.
“Mr. Rossi, an unexpected pleasure.  And Inspector?”  Gabriella said this in English as she extended her hand towards Franz.
 “May we sit?” said Franz, taking over and keeping the conversation in Spanish.
“Of course.  Where are my manners?  Would you like a drink?” Gabriella offered.
We shook our heads no and the seriousness of our visit must have sunk in because she stopped smiling.
“Mrs. Domingo, we’ve found your husband,” Franz said.
She looked at me puzzled.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize he was missing.  He is at work, no?”  Gabriella was trying not to sound worried.
“Mrs. Domingo,” I said, “Your husband was found dead this morning.”
She did not say anything but stood and from a drawer in a small table pulled out a pack of cigarettes.  They weren’t in a fancy case, just in their cellophane and paper wrapper.  She did not offer any to us and did not give us time to pull out our lighters.  After her first drag she leaned against the table and looked me dead in the eye.
“I told you there was something wrong.”
“Mrs. Domingo, this was the call that pulled me out of the office.  Even if I’d taken your job…it wouldn’t have changed the outcome.”
Gabriella shoved off the table and walked to the window.  I wasn’t sure if she was upset or confused.
“I’m sorry.  I’m mad at myself.  I knew I should have spoken with someone earlier.  Maybe if I had, he’d still be alive.”  She turned to us again and her smile was the ghost of happiness.
“What now?” she asked.
“We’d like to ask you a few questions.  Now would be best but if you’re too upset we could wait.”  Franz said this and I knew he wondered the same thing I was.  How did Mrs. Domingo really feel about her husband’s death?
Gabriella sat down again.
“I’ve already told him what you told me this morning, is there anything you want to add?”  I asked.
Just then the maid came in with an unmarked envelope.  The look on her face was one of fear and I wasn’t sure if it was because she was listening in or because she knew what was in the envelope.
Gabriella thanked her and took it with trepidation.  Seemed she knew what was in the envelope. 
Gabriella closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.
“Gentlemen, I don’t feel so well.  May we continue later?”
Franz and I looked at each other.  Was she hiding something?  What was in the envelope?
“If you wouldn’t mind giving us any contact information on Mr. Domingo’s associates?  An address book or schedule?” Franz asked.
Gabriella nodded and stood up.  She began walking towards the door.
“I’ll show you to his study.  Feel free to take whatever you may need.  And then I hope you will excuse me.”

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